
Power Generation

Filters are the first line of defence against contaminants. (Image source: Perkins Engines)

Experts from Perkins Engines walk through the dos and donts of engine maintenance to help users keep their equipment functioning effectively for longer

Africa is blessed with many resources which are critical for the global energy transition. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The US Department of State has released the memorandum of understanding (MoU) it had signed with the DRC and Zambia to jointly develop a supply chain for electric vehicles batteries

Carol Koech, country president for East Africa at Schneider Electric. (Image source: Schneider Electric)

Schneider Electric Kenya has strengthened its assembly and manufacturing operations as well as its resultant services and products to its partners by transferring its manufacturing operations, assets, and people who currently operate the manufacturing and assembly plant to a key country partner

The conversion is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 640,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Aggreko, a leading provider of mobile modular power, temperature control and energy services, has been selected by EDF La Réunion to provide 24MV diesel mobile power units to the Bois-Rouge power plant in Réunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean

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