
Power Generation

Accessible and clean energy (SDG7) to villages which currently have a limited access to electricity mainly derived from fossil fuels. (Image source: NEoT Offgrid Africa)

NEoT Offgrid Africa (NOA) and Winch Energy Limited have invested US$12mn in mini-grid projects in Uganda and Sierra Leone, contributing to their global ambition to build the largest portfolio of mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa, and reach a portfolio worth US$100mn

The new 200 kVA Cat XQP200 mobile generator set. (Image source: Caterpillar)

Caterpillar have announced the new 200 kVA Cat XQP200 mobile generator set, the company’s first mobile power solution meeting European Union (EU) Stage V emission standards for engines used in non-road mobile machinery 

Synergy Consulting has been instrumental in working on some of the key C&I projects across geographies, advising clients on multiple opportunities. (Image source: Shutterstock)

With a considerable energy deficit and an expected increase in electricity demand, the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) sector to grow by more than 270% by 2030, Africa is on the path to becoming an attractive market for solar projects

Representatives of UMEME Ltd hand over electricity connection accessories to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, Ruth Nankabirwa. To the right is Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, AfDB country manager for Uganda. (Image source: AfDB)

The Ugandan government, with support from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and other partners, has launched the last-mile connectivity component under the Uganda Rural Electricity Access Project in Iganga in the eastern Luuka District

Osborne Engineering LLC and Kamlesh Trading win the GE Gas Power MEASA Annual Supplier Awards. (Image source: GE Gas Power)

GE Gas Power has organised the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia (MEASA) Partnership Summit 2021 to continue its commitment to strengthen collaborations with regional suppliers

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