The Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA) in collaboration with South African Young Nuclear Professionals Society (SAYNPS), Women in Nuclear South Africa (WINSA) and Southern African Radiation Protection Society (SARPA) will be hosting a Nuclear Technology Imbizo (Conference) from 16-17 March 2022 at the Cape Town International Conference Centre
Power Generation
Kibo Energy signs 10-year clean energy PPA on South Africa waste to energy project

The project will provide the Client with cleaner electricity, by making use of a high temperature pyrolysis process. (Image source: Adobe Stock)
Kibo Energy, the energy focused development company, has entered into a 10-year take-or-pay conditional Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to generate baseload electricity from a 2.7 MW plastic-to-syngas power plant
West African ministers sign Declaration of Niamey, get Trans-Saharan gas pipeline back on track

The pipeline will enable Europe to tap directly into the three country’s significant natural gas reserves. (Image source: African Energy Chamber)
Niger, Algeria and Nigeria have signed the ‘Declaration of Niamey’ during the third edition of the Economic Communities of West African States (ECOWAS) Mining and Petroleum Forum (ECOMOF) in Niamey on 16 February, 2022
Roundtable to foster public and private dialogue for inclusive energy transition

The Mauritius government aims to create a green energy industry as an important economic pillar and promote an eco-friendly human development. (Image source: Adobe Stock)
A Roundtable focusing on Goal 1 COP 26 on securing global net zero by mid-century and keeping 1.5 degrees within reach opened this morning in Port-Louis
GenCell launches off-grid ammonia-to-power solution for mobile operator

GenCell will be demonstrating this technology at Mobile World Congress 2022. (Image source: GenCell)
GenCell Energy, a leading provider of hydrogen and ammonia to power solutions, has announced the launch of GenCell FOX off-grid power solution for mobile operators, that generates power on-demand from ammonia