

Accessible and clean energy (SDG7) to villages which currently have a limited access to electricity mainly derived from fossil fuels. (Image source: NEoT Offgrid Africa)

NEoT Offgrid Africa (NOA) and Winch Energy Limited have invested US$12mn in mini-grid projects in Uganda and Sierra Leone, contributing to their global ambition to build the largest portfolio of mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa, and reach a portfolio worth US$100mn

The new 200 kVA Cat XQP200 mobile generator set. (Image source: Caterpillar)

Caterpillar have announced the new 200 kVA Cat XQP200 mobile generator set, the company’s first mobile power solution meeting European Union (EU) Stage V emission standards for engines used in non-road mobile machinery 

Constructing wind farms will drive investment, create clean energy jobs and critical infrastructure. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has announced the launch of Africa WindPower (AWP) to address a clear need for a regional body representing the wind industry

Synergy Consulting has been instrumental in working on some of the key C&I projects across geographies, advising clients on multiple opportunities. (Image source: Shutterstock)

With a considerable energy deficit and an expected increase in electricity demand, the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) sector to grow by more than 270% by 2030, Africa is on the path to becoming an attractive market for solar projects

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