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RES4Africa and AMER sign MoU to expand cooperation in Africa's renewable energy development

RES4Africa and AMER strive for the same long-term objective of renewable energy development in Mozambique and Africa. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa Foundation (RES4Africa) and Mozambican Renewable Energy Association (AMER) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to expand their cooperation in promoting renewable energy development in Mozambique and Africa

The agreement aims to reinforce the two parties’ joint commitment in networking, knowledge transfer, communication and advocacy activities along with areas of mutual interest to both missions.

RES4Africa and AMER goals are highly complementary and strive for the same long-term objective of renewable energy development in Mozambique and Africa, by promoting capacity building activities as part of the approach proposed by the renewAfrica Initiative, promoted by the Romebased Foundation. The two parties have agreed to collaborate in the co-organisation of courses and workshops, as well as engage and facilitate dialogue with national and international industry stakeholders to promote and speed up RE investments in the continent.

RES4Africa’s general scretary, Roberto Vigotti, commented, "Renewable energy development in Africa requires investments in the continent’s human capital, as well as the creation of synergies among various stakeholders at various levels. The MoU with AMER paves the road for the collective action required to increase awareness about Africa’s journey towards energy transition."

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