

 With global greenhouse gas emissions at record highs in 2010 according to the International Energy Agency , the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has released a report written by KPMG on South Africa’s carbon chasm, setting the tone for meaningful conversations between business and government

p> With global greenhouse gas emissions at record highs in 2010 according to the International Energy Agency , the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has released a report written by KPMG on South Africa’s carbon chasm, setting the tone for meaningful conversations between business and government

The importance of power management and backup solutions for South African businesses cannot be argued

The importance of power management and backup solutions for South African businesses cannot be argued

ZESCO and ICBC have signed a $285mn credit facility to finance the construction of a 330 kV line and two substations in Eastern and Northern provinces

ZESCO, the Zambian power utility firm, and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) have signed a $285mn credit facility to finance the construction of a 330 kV line and two substations in Eastern and Northern provinces


Energy starved  communities in rural Zimbabwe are set to benefit from small-scale micro hydro schemes which are being implemented by Practical Action Southern Africa


Energy starved  communities in rural Zimbabwe are set to benefit from small-scale micro hydro schemes which are being implemented by Practical Action Southern Africa

Robert van Acker

Sea Trucks Group, one of the largest and fastest growing oil and gas marine contractors in West Africa, announces the appointment of Robert-Jan van Acker as its Chief Executive Officer

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