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Sasol and Total close Natref refinery for maintenance

The companies have informed that they have stocked enough products to meet the market demands. (Image source: Dirigentens/Flickr)

French oil and gas company Total and South Africa-based mining and energy firm Sasol have temporarily closed down their co-owned Natref refinery for maintenance


The refinery, which processes heavy, high-sulfur crude oils, will be closed until 21 November 2012. It is located in the industrial town of Sasolburg in South Africa.

The companies have informed that they have stocked enough products to meet the demands of their customers without any difficulties.

A Sasol company spokesperson told Reuters, “Sasol Oil has put contingencies in place to manage product flow, including the increase of our product stockpile prior to the shutdown, to maintain market supply for the duration of the maintenance.”

South Africa has a total of six refineries that address the oil product needs of the country and imports oil products only in case of refinery maintenance and other related issues.

In the month of October 2012, the country imported about 208,000 tonnes of oil products, which is six times more than it imported in the previous month.

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