
Convergent, in association with African Review, has held a detailed webinar exploring the usage and effectiveness of lithium silicates and densifiers over traditional methods of concrete surface management which often struggle to meet the increasing challenges posed by concrete surface management.

Convergent experts including Mputu Schmidt, CEO of Convergent; Carlos Garcia, product manager end-user solutions, construction chemicals, Spain and Portugal for the RD Group; Matteo Mozzarelli, CEO of concrete Solutions Italia; and Jean-Claude Biard, global senior executive for the Convergent Group, presented across the session. 

Together, they delved into the latest cost-effective application methods for long lasting finishing of concrete that can help reduce maintenance costs and avoid unexpected repair action. In addition, they examined the advancements in technologies that can sustain increased abrasion resistant stains and ensure gloss retention to the highest quality. 

As part of the webinar, the representatives explored case studies including a case in DRC where a medical centre had been constructed with a low-quality concrete floor. The customer was considering completely replacing the floor but instead, Convergent put forward a special treatment with its 244+ Pentra-Sil lithium hardener, densifier and sealer. With this solution, Convergent can increase the hardness of a surface by up to 40% and therefore saved the customer significant recuperation costs over a complete replacement. Convergent were happy to report that the solution was perfect for the facility and the customer was pleased to avoid the extra construction work that would have been required for a complete replacement. 

Watch the full webinar, including more information about Convergent’s innovative solutions.

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