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Airport in Angola settles on solar runway and taxiway lights

Carmanah Technologies has sold solar-powered aviation lights for deployment at an airport in the Republic of Angola

Carmanah Technologies has sold solar-powered aviation lights for deployment at an airport in the Republic of Angola

The value of the contract is approximately US$200,000 and is being coordinated by authorised Carmanah Distributor Infocontrol LDA out of Portugal. The airfield will be utilising A704-5 wireless runway and threshold lights as well as A650 taxiway lights. To complete the airfield requirements the customer also will be implementing a Carmanah L806 solar-powered windsock. The solar-powered aviation lights are the perfect solution for the airfield, because in the area where it is located, reliable grid power is not available. Solarpowered lights provide a stable lighting solution helping to maintain airfield operations late into the evening.


Infocontrol has been working on this project for quite some time, convincing the end customer of the value of using solar-powered aviation lights as well as the industry leading quality of the Carmanah product line. The fact that thousands of Carmanah A704-5 and A650 lights are deployed around the world in a multitude of different environments was one of the factors that helped convince the customer to choose Carmanah.

Ted Lattimore, Carmanah CEO commented, “It is always great to see when we get our products deployed in yet another international country where they were not deployed before. In developing nations where the electrical grid infrastructure is either not mature, or not reliable, solar-powered lighting offers an easily installed, stable and secure solution that airfield operators can count on to help them do their jobs. Each new installation also acts as a great reference in the area for other people to experience the benefits and performance of solarpowered lighting.”

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