
Panafrican Group leading the way

The team at Pan African Groups training facility. (Photo: Pan African Group)

The Panafrican Group’s Training and Development facilities are internationally certified to meet Canadian Training Standards

This recognition validates our training systems and awards our efforts that set our learning outcomes to mirror that of the apprenticeship trades training programmes of Canada. The main training center is located in Nairobi Kenya while the other is located at the Buzwagi Mine Project in Tanzania.

This Certification has been endorsed by The Canadian College of the Rockies and it validates The Group’s initiatives to develop its technicians to the highest level of industry standards of Canada. “This programme is designed to standardize our technician’s skill levels at all our operations throughout Africa”, said William Riquelme, group training manager. “Technical communication and professional aptitude are key factors that lead to exceptional customer support and improved machine reliability across a global scale. We want to ensure that our technicians are working to ‘that’ level of performance. In the end, we focus on our customers to benefit the most from this support method and therefore this certification validates all our employee’s great efforts”.

The Panafrican Group Training and Development Deptarment is headed by William Riquelme and consists of four other team members, Rotich Kibagur, Calleb Omorrow, and Iris Masidza at the training centre in Kenya, and Robert Murema, at the Buzwagi Mine Project in Tanzania. All team members have a direct influence on how a programme is developed, to meet the industry’s demand, and designed, to maximize our expert’s transfer of knowledge. Taking this approach guarantees that all training is performed to its highest level of learning standard and to its greatest technical effectiveness in the field.

What does all this mean for the customer? The benefits of having certified technicians working on your equipment are tremendous; the customer can entrust their machines knowing that it is being serviced and maintained by qualified professionals. The improved machine availability leads to higher production volumes at a reduced maintenance cost, which results in greater profitability.

“The Panafrican Group has invested heavily on the development of its employees”, stated Scott McCaw, group managing director. “This is just one of the important ingredients to supporting our customer in the execution of their projects or business”.

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