
How does using overburden in a coal quarry affect profit?

MB crusher manufactures other units that are used in quarry to speed operations and save costs, while maximising production. (Image source: MB crusher)

In quarries when haul roads are in top condition, mining trucks run faster and safer

Meaning that up keeping the internal haul road system has a massive impact on truck haulage cycle efficiency, costs, and production. Trucks haulage represents up to 50 per cent of the total operating costs incurred by open mines and quarries.

In fact, due to poor internal roads, about 80 per cent of large tyres fail before they wear out, also suspensions break-down and the travels through the quarry from extraction to processing stage and vice-versa need to be slowed down causing a huge loss of revenue for enterprises.

The solution?

Up keep the road system and keep them clear.

In a major Russian coal mine, the simple addition of an MB Crusher unit to their operation has brought in several advantages, including lowering truck operating costs and extending the life span of tyres and suspensions.

After the addition of the MB Crusher, the faster cycle times led to higher productivity and lower cost per tonne. All savings generated by improved, well-kept internal roads.

The MB Crusher bucket BF135.8 fitted on a Hitachi 850 was utilised to crush the overburden laying around to up-keep the internal haulage roads while making sure they were also free from rocks and other stones. (video:

A mobile crew

To maintain the internal roads, this Russian company has employed just one operator and one machine alone. Because the jaw crusher made by MB Crusher operates by using the excavator hydraulic supply, there is no need for any other personnel rather than the driver.

They also eliminated the need to purchase any extra material. Before they had the MB crusher bucket to fix the roads, they used to buy aggregates from a supplier, load.

them into the truck, haul them in the quarry where the excavator was waiting to shovel the material from the truck to where it was needed. Now the excavator operator alone crushes the overburden along the road. The MB Crusher Bucket BF135.8 is maintaining a safe work environment while maximising production and lowering operating costs.

The overburden from spoil to saving

The MB unit an attachment, designed to work with any brand of heavy equipment. With a capacity of about 1.60 cubic metre and a total weight of 7,50 tonne, this machine is resourceful and handy, as it can go along the internal quarry roads and fix any existing pot-holes within minutes. Another advantage is that the output is fully adjustable from 40mm to 150mm and the size change can be done anywhere. It involves unscrewing some bolts, adding or removing sizing shims and screw back the bolts. No need to take the machine to the workshop.

MB HDS323 Caterpillar 329D RM Mixer kit Indonesia Quarry Coal 5 1580995485What are all the advantages obtained by adding an MB Crusher bucket?

The haulage roads are fixed with regularity. Drivers are riding in safer conditions. Trucks wheels last longer. Spoil material, instead of being a problem it has become a font of huge savings.

Just a single MB Crusher bucket has increased sustainability, reduced maintenance, increased production, reduced injuries. Integrating the right tools is the solution to all the challenges. In fact, MB crusher manufactures other units that are used in quarry to speed operations and save costs, while maximising production.

A cost-effective way to process coal is achieved with an MB Crusher padding bucket. In one unique step, therefore, cutting many costs.

In Indonesia, where more than 55 per cent of electric power is generated from coal, an MB crusher star screener is working to reduce all unnecessary costs, even during bad seasonal weather period.

The operation is extremely smooth and simple: the padding bucket scoops up the damp coal, the rotating shafts reduce it down to smaller size while loading it to the truck. All in one step. The coal is then towed to the power plans, ready to be used.

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How is the entire operation changed?

Only one machine is used to load the truck and reduce the coal to a usable size, and one excavator operator is needed, reducing labour costs. Middle loading and material moving and storing are eliminated, fewer phases mean fewer costs. The entire operation is faster, safer giving a boost to productivity.

The MB Crusher padding bucket is a hydraulic attachment for excavators, wheel loaders, or skid steers, transforming the machine it is mounted on in a high-performance mobile crusher or screener.

In this case, the MB-HDS323 was working with damp coal, but the machine is designed to avoid blockage, even if the product is dump and sticky. The unit mouth opening is extremely wide, its work speed enables the material to flow easily and the operator to reach high results for a fraction of the operational costs.

Working all alone

By simply investing in an MB Crusher padding bucket, this quarry was able to increase productivity, while reducing the over-all coal price as they used the excavator they had at the quarry already.

Above many benefits compared to traditional operating methods: where the excavator digs the material and load it to the truck, which then takes it to the storing area, where another excavator or loader will load the processing plant. Once the coal is reduced, it is loaded again into a truck to be taken to the power plant.

The model used in this quarry in Indonesia is the widest of the rage of MB Crusher shafts screeners, suitable for excavator from 18 to 35 tonnes or even loaders from 10 to 15 tonnes. With a loading capacity of 1.65 cubic metre.

The MB-HDS series is entirely different from all the other systems as by changing the rotating shafts on-site different types of material can be worked in complete safety, just one person making the entire process cost-effective, self-contained and highly profitable.

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