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Nigerian government confirms 'world class' nickel discovery

This could be a common sight in Kaduna. (Image sourced: Dr R Hill)

The ministry of Solid Minerals Development confirms find in Kaduna State, Nigeria 


An Australian Mining Syndicate have made a discovery of world class nickel in Kaduna State, Nigeria, authorities in the country have announced. 

The official press release from the office of the minister has urged the public to give the Ministry time to come up with a detailed report on the matter, despite understanding the excitement around the discovery, signed by permanent secretary Mohammed Abbas.

One anonymous source who was 'not authorised to speak on the matter,' said that "Yes it is true. Nickel has been found in Nigeria, but we cannot say anything right now." 

It is still unknown what sort of quantity there is in Kaduna State, or even what sort of economic impact this discovery and confirmation may have on the region, but the increase in excitement surrounding the region could be a glimpse of what is to come. 

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