
Auryx findings for Namibian diamond zone

Auryx Gold Corp confirms a significant new zone of mineralisation at the Otjikoto gold project in Namibia

Auryx Gold Corp confirms a significant new zone of mineralisation at the Otjikoto gold project in Namibia

Auryx Gold Corp has announced the assay results from eight diamond drill (“DD”) holes drilled to the east of the current resource at the Otjikoto gold project in Namibia. These holes represent a 900 m strike extension to the East 1 (“E1”) shoot and combined with twenty-one holes drilled by the previous operator, Teal Exploration & Mining Inc.(“TEM”), define the E1 zone as 1400 m long, 50 m to 150 m wide, and 10 m to 40 m thick. The E1 zone is still open along strike.

Auryx’s CEO, Mr. Searcy comments: “These results confirm that the mineralization system at Otjikoto is much larger than previously defined. The close proximity of the E1 shoot to the Main shoot is a significant benefit to the potential of the E1 zone and the Otjikoto deposit itself. Furthermore, the ability to identify new zones of mineralization so close to the densely drilled resource bodes well for the future exploration in the area.”

The location of all holes drilled at Otjikoto can be viewed on a drill hole map in plan view at

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