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An end to critical tire failures?

The KalPRO TireSight autonomous inspection station in action. (Image source: Kal Tire)

Autonomous tire inspections provided through KalPRO TireSight can bring numerous advantages to mining operations

A mining vehicle is only as effective as the wheels beneath it. Undetected tire faults can lead to critical failures and these, in turn, can lead to costly downtime or serious accidents that pose a threat to personnel safety. Effective tire inspections, therefore, are a vital component of any mine, serving to detect developing problems, extend vehicle tyre life and, ultimately, ensure effective operations are maintained.

It is no wonder then that leading tire management and supply partner, Kal Tire Mining Tire Group, has sought to maximise and refine this process – a pursuit that has led to the conception, design and now delivery of KalPRO TireSight. This autonomous tire inspection service integrates the thermal imaging camera and AI software of Pitcrew AI with Kal Tire’s TOMS (Tire & Operations Management System) in order to accelerate inspections and enhance vehicle productivity.

The solution from Kal Tire and Pitcrew AI takes the form of a thermal imaging camera station that is typically deployed next to a haul road or fuel bullet. Machinery operating on site passes the station (without halting), enabling images of the front and rear tires to be captured and assessed by Pitcrew AI software. Optimal images of the tires (from a higher position), the fact they are assessed in motion and not static (enabling numerous angles to be captured during rotation), and the use of advanced AI means that often unnoticed issues such as hot tires, tread damage and belt separation are more likely to be detected. Moreover, with work orders automated by TOMS and validated by condition monitoring experts, fleet planning teams can quickly make decisions to reduce risk and downtime.

Click here to read the full article – including the thoughts of Christian Erdelyi, manager mining technology solutions at Kal Tire – in the latest issue of African Review available now.

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