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Enhancing water management network with Diehl’s smart metering solutions

Diehl Metering supplies water meters which are adapted to all climatic and environmental conditions. (Image source: Diehl Metering)

Diehl Metering provides smart metering solutions through the intelligent networking of various devices into larger data platforms, aiming to create a better water management network

The stability and the quantity of available water play a vital role in promoting the development of sustainable economic activities.

In Africa, major challenges are participate sustainably and dynamically in the global economy, even though only five per cent of the continent’s potential water resources are exploited and the average available water volume per inhabitant remains at 200 cu/m (against 6,000 cu/m in North America), according to the United Nations report 2015.

Therefore, a better water management can reduce wastage and eliminate the risk of drought and the development of billing generates more responsible consumption of the main vital resource, said Diehl Metering.

Smart metering: a response to the issue of non-revenue water

Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is water which has been produced but subsequently “lost” before reaching the consumer. This can occur for various reasons including leaks, inaccurate measurements, fraud or poor management of water systems. In Africa, many countries are looking for solutions to fight against non-revenue water and to develop access to the drinking water.

With more than 150 years of experience and a presence in most countries around the world, Diehl Metering provides smart metering solutions through the intelligent networking of various devices into larger data platforms.

The solutions offer transparency for utilities, municipalities, industries and enable considerably increased efficiency in reading, billing and services processes. With more than 20 years of experience with the company’s own radio technology, Diehl Metering has at its disposal excellent expertise in communications within the Internet of Things (IoT).

“To enable the highest flexibility for our customers, we offer besides our custom-tailored IZAR Fixed Network also NB-IoT, LoRaWan and further communications technologies,” said the company.

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Solutions for future challenges

Diehl Metering supplies water meters which are adapted to all climatic and environmental conditions, as well as radio and hard-wired communication systems linked to software for smart data and analytics with a high level of customer data security.

With Diehl Metering choose precision, robustness, reliability and sustainability thanks to volumetric, single jet and ultrasonic ranges of meters. IZAR technology (R4 and OMS) is IoT4Metering and offers Fixed and Mobile networks adapted to the customer’s situation, managing the energy data anywhere and at any time.

Data management and analysis software is essential in providing smart metering solutions and contributes to sustainable water management via key indicators. Both IZAR PLUS Portal and IZAR@NET are vital tools in the optimisation of billing systems, thereby reducing Non-Revenue Water.

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