
Arab Bank grants funds for development of water supply system in Kenya

The project is part of the Kenya government’s efforts to expand water supply and sewerage services to its citizens. (Image source: ajleon/Flickr)

Kenya has received a loan of US$10mn from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) to rehabilitate water supply and sewerage system in Oloitokitok town

The project will be part of the Kenya government’s efforts at expanding water supply and sewerage services to its citizens.

The government has been seeking to increase the proportion of the population accessing clean and safe water and sewerage services by 50 per cent in 2015 and 90 per cent in 2030.

The loan, which will be repaid within a period of 30 years, will include a grace period of 10 years and an annual interest rate of one per cent.

Kenya’s National Treasury principal secretary Kamau Thugge said Oloitokitok town has experienced an increase in population following the completion of the Emali- Oloitokitok road. This, he said, has increased the demand for clean water and related facilities in the area.

Thugge noted that only 60 per cent of Kenyans have access to improved water supply but sometimes unreliable.

“The government is committed to promoting investment in basic infrastructure and increasing the supply to homes and businesses throughout Kenya. The ultimate goal is to ensure that every Kenyan will have access to clean and safe water by 2030,” he added.

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