

The current pandemic is forcing the manufacturing sector to re-evaluate traditional production processes. (Image source: L Gould/Pixabay)

COVID-19 is triggering the manufacturing sector to re-evaluate its traditional production processes, driving digital transformation and smart manufacturing across the production lines, according to Jason Chester, director of global channel programmes at InfinityQS

Structural transformation is needed to create more jobs, reduce poverty and accomplish sustainable development objectives. (Image Source: eltpics/ Flickr)

The African Development Bank’s (AfDB) High 5 priority areas are set to support the continents achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a major focus on Industrialise Africa and Integrate Africa, as  Africa must become better integrated in terms of trade and markets

The aim is to help insurers in Rwanda transact real-time digital business, improve cash flows and enhance the customer service. (Image source: Photo Mix/Pixabay)

Beyontec, one of the leading global providers of insurance technology solutions, has been selected by the Insurance Association of Rwanda (ASSAR) to implement a digital ecosystem of different platform solutions for the insurance industry in Rwanda

New ventilator in production. (Image source: Canon Central and North Africa)

The production of the first 30 FRD-es has started and will be shipped worldwide to countries including Romania, Ghana, Tanzania and Brazil

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