

Food deficiencies can be reduced if regions like Europe and Latin America, where wheat and corn thrive, increase their production and export food to regions under heavy pressure from global warming.(Image source: M Ameen/Pixabay)

Free trade can prevent hunger caused by future shifts in climate patterns, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change

The Congo basin rainforest is the second largest intact tropical forest on earth. (Image source: Eveline de Bruin/Pixabay)

Everland has launched its inaugural webinar event REDD+, A Force of Nature, presenting the Wildlife Works Mai Ndombe REDD+ project in Congo, highlighting the critical importance to protect the Congo basin rainforest

The two-phase Solstice E-Cooling process allows for more energy-efficient and uniform cooling. (Image source: Igor Ovsyannykov/Pixabay)

Honeywell has launched Solstice E-Cooling technology that uses a two-phase liquid cooling process to remove heat from electronic applications while reducing environmental impact

After establishing a full-scale CO2-capture plant, the city’s CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced. (Image source: marcinjozwiak/Pixabay)

DNV GL has approved as qualified, technology for a full-scale demonstration project to remove carbon emissions at a waste-to-energy plant in Oslo, Norway

The symposium is a new beginning for infrastructure development, which promises inclusive growth, development, transformation and a hope for a better tomorrow. (Image source: GovernmentZA/Flickr)

South African president and African Union chairperson, Cyril Ramaphosa hosted the Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium of South Africa (SIDSSA) to discuss the government’s revised Infrastructure Investment Plan, a public-private initiative to accelerate major building projects in South Africa, and the rest of the continent

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