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South African trade and industry minister Rob Davies. (Image source: World Economic Forum/Flickr)

The launch of the Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (MCEP) has caused the manufacturing sector in South Africa to boom, according to the countrys trade and industry minister Rob Davies

The Renault factory in Algeria is expected to have an annual output of 25,000 units. (Image source: David Villarreal Fernández/Flickr)

French car-manufacturer Renault is set to sign a pact with the Algerian government ahead of building its first manufacturing plant in the country

According to Naamsa, 623,914 new vehicle units were sold in South Africa in 2012. (Image source: lrargerich/Flickr)

Vehicle sales in South Africa has shown a 9.2 per cent increase by the end of 2012 as compared to 2011, according to the country’s National Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Naamsa)

South African cement maker PPC has revealed plans to build a cement factory in Zimbabwe in an attempt to boost the proportion of sales from outside its home market to at least 40 per cent by 2016

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