

According to Nigerian officials, it was imperative that it closed those borders. (Image source: robnaw/Adobe Stock)

Muhammad Buhari, Nigeria’s President, has restated that the closing of the border with the country’s neighbours was in Nigeria’s best interest

AFC lauded the leadership of Ali Bongo Ondimba in pushing for the country’s new hydrocarbons code. (Image source: AFC)

During a working visit to Libreville this week, African Energy Chamber (AFC) is promoting investments into Gabon’s energy sector value chain while supporting the local private sector development

The report highlights the Volvo Group’s latest developments within technologies such as electrified vehicles, automation and connectivity. (Image source: Volvo Group)

Volvo Group has published the Annual and Sustainability Report 2019 under the theme ‘Perform and Transform,’ outlining the group’s strategy and the activities that contributed to making 2019 a year of sales and profitability

Muhammadu Buhari is the President of Nigeria. (Image source: Chatham House/Flickr)

Muhammad Buhari, President of Nigeria, has foreclosed the immediate opening of the county’s borders with its West African neighbours

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