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AR and VR solutions can contribute to addressing challenges. (Image source: fill/Pixabay)

The Coronavirus outbreak is expected to cause manufacturing delays at the source and reduce the overall demand for augmented reality (AR) smart glasses, according to global tech market advisory firmABI Research

OGFZA is the national regulatory agency that regulates and manages Nigeria’s oil and gas export free trade zones. (Image source: SatyaPrem/Pixabay)

Nigerian government is reviewing the act establishing oil and gas free zones authority (OGFZA) that aims to remove ambiguities and enhance effectiveness

This coalition was created out of the urgent need to combat the unfolding COVID-19 crisis in Nigeria. (Image source: kbuntu/Adobe Stock)

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), on behalf of the Bankers’ Committee and in partnership with the private sector led by Aliko Dangote Foundation and Access Bank, have come together to form the Nigerian private sector coalition against COVID-19

With the financial barrier reduced, people can seek and receive much-needed health services. (Image source: andrey_orlov/Adobe Stock)

Aella, a fintech company, has partnered with Hygeia HMO, one of the leading health insurance service provider in West Africa, to provide inclusive health insurance to people in West Africa

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