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Standard Industrie solutions to improve productivity and reduce cleaning costs

AIRCHOC® Air Cannons helps dispose of material build-ups. (Image source: Standard Industrie)

More than 40 years, Standard Industrie International has been a specialist in the design and manufacture of solutions aiming to facilitate the handling of bulk products by combining safety and environment respectively, especially in southern Africa

Material build-ups in the production process:

Material build-ups in the production process often lead to reduced plant productivity and higher cleaning costs, as well as increased safety risks to maintenance staff. Such issues can be avoided by undertaking measures including:

• blockage and build-up removal

• silo and hopper cleaning.

Having developed expertise in both these areas over the past 40 years, Standard Industrie has helped a number of plants across the world improve productivity, reduce cleaning costs and lower safety risks.

As an example, Standard Industrie installed eight AIRCHOC® air cannons on the top of the economiser to declog the top tube stack in a plant specialized in the production of chrome chemicals, in South Africa :

The aim of the project was to either reduce the frequency of using the ball shot system for declogging. At the start of the project, the AIRCHOC® was used in conjunction with the ball shot system, but the frequency of using the ball shot was gradually reduced to a point where it was no longer used. In June 2018 the decision was taken to remove the ball shot system completely and rely only on the AIRCHOC®.

For more information click here.

2 GIRONET inside silo

Standard Industrie also recently intervened at a wood chemicals factory in South Africa to clean the urea silos.

The customer had a loss of storage capacity, means an increased reliance on road transport for raw materials to keep the reactors online for production. Road transportation can be unreliable with trucks breaking down, so this affected the production sche­dules and reliability of raw material feed to the reactors.

Standard Industrie intervened with its Gironet:

“We had to systematically remove ma­terial (we could not just collapse the build-up). This meant a very slow rate of material removal, but ultimately reduced the risk of completely blocking the extraction of the silo. We estimate that the material built up in the silo for a period of more than 10 years. The build-up was extremely hard, but even the pneumatic Gironet had no problem removing the material.” said the Standard Industrie’s operator.

For more information click here.

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