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RLE and KMC to begin manufacturing cars in Uganda

Kiira aims to become “the first true East African automotive manufacturer”. (Image source: *Nom & Malc/Flickr)

RLE International has agreed to provide consultancy services for Kiira’s Ugandan manufacturing operation

The global engineering firm revealed it had agreed a deal with Ugandan automotive manufacturer Kiira Motors Corporation (KMC), to assist with the launch of local vehicle manufacturing in the country.

Under the agreement, RLE will provide “a broad array of business development, engineering and integration support” to KMC, which aims to produce affordable vehicles for the African consumer market.

RLE will develop the business case for KMC’s entry into the Ugandan market, analysing market conditions and developing an entry strategy, before assisting with the engineering design and development of vehicles.

“We are proud to support Kiira Motors Corporation in the logistics, development and launch of vehicle manufacturing in Uganda,” said Rob Kokx, president of RLE International in the Americas. “Kiira Motors’ knowledge of the market, combined with RLE International’s significant global experience and depth in vehicle development, is expected to be a winning combination in this increasingly urbanized country whose main industry today is agriculture.”

Vehicle manufacturing is expected to begin in 2018 on a 100-acre site in the Jinja Industrial Park, 80 km Northeast of the capital, Kampala.

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