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Nigeria grants customs duty waiver on medical equipment

As of 11 May 2020, Nigeria has 4641 confirmed cases, with 902 discharges and 159 deaths. (Image source: World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr)

To strengthen health infrastructure, especially the shortage of medical supplies in the country to COVID-19 crisis, the Nigerian government has given an approval for a blanket duty waive on medical equipment and supply

The Nigerian customs service has directed to expedite clearing of all imported health care equipment, medical and pharmaceutical supplies at the nation’s ports. 

As of 11 May 2020, Nigeria has 4641 confirmed cases, with 902 discharges  and 159  deaths.

The government intends ramping up its tests and the waiver will definitely help as the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) persistently complained  of inadequate  materials especially reagents and personal protective equipment (PPE).

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