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HP targets fraudulent manufacturers in Africa

Ugandan authorities dismantled a criminal ring that had distributed counterfeit cartridges for HP printers destined for sale in several East African countries (Image source: rodrigo_fontenele/Flickr)

HP’s anti-counterfeiting fraud (ACF) team, alongside local African authorities, have conducted two operations to stop the trade of counterfeit cartridges for HP printers across Uganda and Mozambique

In September and October 2018, HP’s ACF team and local authorities raided several premises in the Maputo (Mozambique) and Kampala (Uganda) areas. In total, these anti-counterfeiting successes resulted in a total of 33,000 illicit items seized.

In January 2019, Ugandan authorities dismantled a criminal ring that had distributed counterfeit cartridges for HP printers destined for sale in several East African countries. Officials raided a distribution warehouse in the Kampala area that also served as a manufacturing site for counterfeits. The operation has resulted in the seizure of 77,000 illicit items, bringing the total number of contraband products seized through recent activity to over 110,000 items.

Across EMEA over the last five years, approximately 12mn counterfeits and components have been seized by local authorities, supported by HP. HP has conducted over 4,500 audits and inspections (CPPAs and CDIs) of partners’ stocks or suspicious deliveries for customers.

Through HP’s ACF programme, the company actively educates its customers and partners to be vigilant against fake accessories and supplies. It also cooperates closely with local and global law enforcement authorities to detect and dismantle illegal operations that produce counterfeit HP components.

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