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Ghana statistics visit Denmark to exchange knowhow on data collection

After the pre-departure lunch, the ambassador and the Government statistician answered questions from the press. (Image source: Embassy of Denmark in Ghana)

A delegation of 10 Ghanaians led by the Ghana Government statistician Kobina Annim is in Denmark to exchange experiences with Statistics Denmark

The visit is part of the strategic sector cooperation between Ghana Statistical Service and Statistics Denmark.

The aim of the visit is to for Ghana Statistics Service to explore best practices in statistics management and get a deeper insight into how Statistics Denmark collects administrative data. Ghana Statistics Service is working towards relying more on administrative data as done by Statistics Denmark in order to ease the process of collecting accurate statistics for decision-making and dissemination.

“The data from the administrative sources can complement the use of surveys in the production of statistics. It will also contribute to quality assuring the production of key economic statistics through a benchmarking mechanism,” Kobina Annim said.

Good experiences and mutual benefits

This Strategic Sector Cooperation is the newest in the portfolio of the Embassy of Denmark. Nevertheless, ambassador Tove Degnbol expects that the collaboration will bring many of the same mutual benefits as the Embassy has seen in previous cooperation.

“We expect that the exchange of knowledge between Statistics Denmark and Ghana Statistics Service will generate mutual inspiration and yield significant results, as we have seen it happen in our maritime sector cooperation,” she noted.

The visit will end on 22 August. Besides Kobina Annim, the other participants include officials from other major institutions such as Births and Death Registry, the National Identification Authority, the Ghana Police Service and the Ghana Immigration Service.

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