
Type Testing vs Product Approval

BASEC ensures samples are also tested following an audit two to three times a year. (Image source: BASEC)

In today’s globalised markets, the increased trade of cables between countries is a clear sign of a mutually growing economy

Nevertheless, it represents a significant source of concern as the safety and quality of cable can often be overlooked without a proper system to measure quality in place.

Cables constitute the skeleton of the electrical infrastructure. The high quality of these products is fundamental, not only for safety reasons but also so that all electrical systems, machinery and appliances can function efficiently.

Recognising in advance whether a product will perform as intended is vital. A good quality cable enables high performance in line with the industry standard’s expectations, reduces downtime and rework in projects which results in saving time and money.


So, what is the distinction between Type Tests and Product Approval?

Type Tests - are snapshots in time of the cable’s compliance to the standard. Their purpose is to verify if the materials and construction of the tested cable sample are compliant with a certain standard or specification.

Type Tests are performed only once, and there is no validity period for the Type Test report or certificate. This means that it does not reflect a continuous assessment of the cable quality and will not reflect any changes made over time in the manufacturing process or raw materials.


Product Approval - are certificates issued by third parties testing and certification bodies that state if a cable range conforms to the required international standards.

Product Approval schemes are usually designed with a combination of:

Factory audits - qualified personnel make regular, independent and documented physical visits to the manufacturer's factories. In most accredited bodies schemes, the audit is conducted once per year, however, to enable rigor in compliant BASEC completes audits 2 to 3 times a year

Cable testing – involves technical determination of compliance to the specifications and proving characteristics of the cable, according to a standard or a specific requirement. Again, BASEC ensures samples are also tested following an audit 2 to 3 times a year

Complying to ongoing certification drives manufacturers to be consistently compliant and delivering high levels of quality across their systems and production methods.

Obtaining and retaining the BASEC mark of mark requires great effort, experience, control and knowledge. Successful completion of the approval, therefore, validates that the cables you choose have met high levels of quality and safety.

Discuss your needs contact BASEC at https://basec.org.uk/contact/

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