
Condra delivers for dissolving pulp plant

A typical double-girder electric overhead travelling crane undergoing load test at Condra’s Johannesburg factory. (Image source: Condra)

Condra has manufactured a service and maintenance crane for Saiccor Mill’s Feed Three pulp dryer line at Umkomaas, South Africa

Replacing a machine from a rival firm, the double-girder electric overhead travelling crane has been designed to incorporate three hoists. These include a 26 ton main lifting unit and two 12.5 ton auxiliaries, all of which are mechanically synchronised for tandem operation as well as individual lift if required. 

The crane is able to service all machinery on the dryer line’s 80x25 m floor area. With a 25 m metre span, it will deliver a maximum capacity of up to 50 tons and a lift height of 16 m. It will also lift up to 25 tons using the main hoist with two independent loads of up to 12.5 tons able to be simultaneously managed by each auxiliary. 

To execute the complex installation – through the plant’s roof due to a lack of maneuverability on the dryer line floor – three companies will work in close collaboration as subcontractors to Condra. These include Yellow Dot Coatings, Lovemore Bros, and Natal Cranes

The pulp dryer line to be serviced by the new crane is noted for a corrosive environment resulting from the use of steam-heated drying cylinders to dry the sheet-form pulp ahead of packing and shipping. As a result, Condra has ensured the crane has been manufactured from carefully selected materials and has made use of anti-corrosion finishes to afford protection.

When delivered – scheduled for commissioning at Saiccor Mill in 2024 – it will become Condra’s second to work at Feed Three, joining a single-girder overhead crane. 

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