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Gaining better business with the Cloud

Published by Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI), Approaching the Cloud: Better Business Using Grid Solutions gives an impressive overview of twenty-five successful case studies.

Industrial sectors addressed include advanced manufacturing, media, finance, retail and logistics, environment and e-Science, telecommunication, tourism, sgriculture and health. The case studies from the different sectors show how businesses may profit from distributed computing - from Grid to Cloud solutions.
In an economy that often insists on proven business cases to innovate, the booklet offers just that: concrete examples of how and why Grid and Cloud solutions can benefit the described industrial sectors. Also included are post-project perspectives with, the Cloud momentum story, ten tips towards successful Grid-based business and much more.

The booklet counts 92 pages and can be downloaded from and ordered free of charge via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Additionally, the booklet is also available on

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