
Diehl Metering software solution now on Microsoft Azure

Smart metering data can be merged with other sensor data to create complex application scenarios in a smart city environment. (Image source: Diehl Metering)

Diehl Metering IZAR Meter Data Management software is now available on Microsoft Azure cloud-computing platform

The software provides a central platform for all water and energy data and offers maximum efficiency for all metering processes.

It makes processes simpler and more cost-efficient, from meters and remote reading through to data management and comprehensive data analysis.

It provides planning and monitoring, leakage recognition, network optimisation, automated billing and customer services. The IZAR software is available as a service (IZAR PLUS Portal) and for installation in the local environment (IZAR@NET). IZAR software is also ready for installation in one’s Microsoft Azure environment.

IZAR@NET under Microsoft Azure offers numerous advantages. One advantage is that no additional hardware is required to operate the software, as IZAR@NET is implemented directly into the existing Microsoft Azure infrastructure.

As with other Azure applications, installation and management can easily be completed in minutes using the Azure Marketplace. True to the motto “start small-grow fast”, it can easily expand the IZAR installation by adding additional IT resources such as processor power or memory using one’s Azure account.

Thanks to the combination of IZAR@NET and extensive Microsoft Azure applications, the company will be able to offer more value-added services in the future. For example, smart metering data can be merged with other sensor data to create complex application scenarios in a smart city environment-while observing the data protection guidelines of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For further information, please contact Diehl Metering: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit their website at www.diehl.com/metering

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