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Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya among the top scoring economies. (Image source: Nahashon Diaz/Pixabay)

Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda offer investors a rewarding score above the African continent’s average, according to the 2018 Africa Risk-Reward Index from Control Risks and Oxford Economics

Ghana is new destination for international companies to accelerate business. (Image source: jbdodane/Flickr)

The government of Ghana is committed to strengthening business opportunities for private sector enterprises to accelerate economic growth and development across the region

Low oil prices have hurt Gabons economy. (Image source: International Monetary Fund/Wikimedia Commons)

Moodys downgraded Gabons sovereign debt rating for the second time in 12 months to Caa1, citing liquidity pressures which are making debt repayment tougher

Freshworks has raised nearly US$150mn in funding across six rounds. (Image source: OER Africa/Flickr)

Freshworks Inc, a leading provider of cloud-based business software, has announced growth strategy to propel the ambitious expansion of its evolving South African footprint

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