

Improving the incomes of the urban and rural poor, and expanding access to jobs and basic service delivery is crucial for Cote d’Ivoire to stage a successful post-conflict economic rebound, according to World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick.

p>Improving the incomes of the urban and rural poor, and expanding access to jobs and basic service delivery is crucial for Cote d’Ivoire to stage a successful post-conflict economic rebound, according to World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick.

Aureos Capital has launched a new private equity fund for Africa, the Aureos Africa Fund (AAF) after raising US$322.8mn to support small and medium sized enterprises and growth across the continent.

p>Aureos Capital has launched a new private equity fund for Africa, the Aureos Africa Fund (AAF) after raising US$322.8mn to support small and medium sized enterprises and growth across the continent.

Nigeria’s more than 140mn people will be better-off if the six per cent average growth of the economy is matched with more productive and stable jobs and a more equitable distribution of income.

When considering how Africa can better fulfil its investment potential, few commentators consider the intrinsic role of the very people penning the discussion – the media.

p>When considering how Africa can better fulfil its investment potential, few commentators consider the intrinsic role of the very people penning the discussion – the media.

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