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Standard & Poors Ratings Services have raised its Nigeria national scale rating on the Nigerian State of Rivers to ngBBB+

S&P, increase, Nigeria, rating, ngBBB, ngBBB+, africa, economyStandard & Poors Ratings Services have raised its Nigeria national scale rating on the Nigerian State of Rivers to ngBBB+ from ngBBB,  revising the outlook  from positive to stable and affirmed their B long-term issuer credit rating

Emerging Capital Partners’-led regional banking group receives financing from leading global development finance institutions and looks to future.

Oragroup, attracts, $20mn, new, capital, ECP, emerging capital partnersEmerging Capital Partners’-led regional banking group receives financing from leading global development finance institutions and looks to future

Zimbabwes national infrastructure gets new lease of life from Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ)

Zimbabwes national infrastructure gets new lease of life from Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ)

African Development Bank (AfDB) provides credit lines valued at $13.5mn  to two commercial banks to support development of private sector and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zambia

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