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Trade visit brings new UK-Kenya investment partnership

John Humphrey ringing the trading bell alongside leaders from MOBILIST, NSE, FSD Africa, AIB-AXYs and Capital Markets Authority. (Image source: MOBILISE)

At a launch event in Nairobi, UK Government programme MOBILIST announced a new partnership with the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE)

This will drive the listing of new investment products in the Kenyan market and increase the amount of private sector capital available for development and climate projects in Kenya.

MOBILIST, which boasts similar partnerships with several emerging market exchanges including the Nigerian Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange, provides investment and technical assistance to help businesses that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to overcome the barriers that keep them from listing on a stock exchange.

“The NSE is delighted to partner with the UK government-backed MOBILIST Programme,” remarked NSE CEO, Frank Mwiti. “The strategic partnership between the NSE and MOBILIST aligns with our new strategic focus aimed at enabling the NSE to play a more dynamic role in mobilising and channelling capital to sectors that have the most significant capital needs, with a special focus on sustainable development. As a market, we will continue providing a pivotal intersection connecting capital to investment-grade opportunities in Kenya for sustained economic growth.”

Reaffirming UK-Kenya ties

The launch was attended by the UK’s Trade Commissioner for Africa, John Humphrey, as he began a three-day visit to the East African country following his recent trips to Egypt and Ethiopia. In his time in Kenya, Humphrey will focus on delivering long-term investment projects that support the UK-Kenya Strategic Partnership – a five-year agreement that seeks to unlock mutual economic benefits for the two countries.

“Mobilising investment solutions in Kenya are vital to economic growth as they provide a platform for Kenyan businesses to raise the capital they need to expand their operations, increase cross-border trade, and employ more Kenyans – and at the same tackle climate change and achieve critical development goals,” commented Humphrey.

“Long-term investments that deliver lasting change for the people of both our countries are the cornerstone of the UK-Kenya economic relationship. We go far when we go together – I am delighted to be back in Kenya to deliver our mutually beneficial partnership which is rooted in respect.”

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