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Standard Chartered Bank Limited is one of the 11 banks that Nigerias BOI has signed an MoU with to provide loans to SMEs. (Image source: CanadianPacific/Flickr)

Nigeria’s Bank of Industry (BOI) has signed an MoU with ten deposit banks to provide loans to SMEs at low-interest rates

Stanlibs infrastructure fund will focus mainly on clean energy projects, in addition to water, power, transport, telecom and oil and gas ventures too. (Image source: ArtemyoLagalag/Flickr)

Johannesburg-based asset management firm Stanlib has decided to invest in equity stakes in private sector-developed projects through its infrastructure fund

Lagarde is expected to meet the presidents of Rwanda and Senegal to discuss economic policies and strengthen IMFs relationship with the two countries. (Image source:m IMF/Flickr)

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde is scheduled to visit Rwanda and Senegal later this month to meet with policymakers and strengthen the IMF’s relationship with the two nations

J. Mills Jones, CBL’s bank governor, said that a mechanism has been put in place to provide liquidity support to the banking system, in case the need arises, considering the CBL’s role as Lender-of-Last Resort. (Image source: Central Bank of Liberia)

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) has unveiled stimulus measures aimed at helping various sectors recover from the impact of Ebola epidemic that affected the West African country for nearly nine months in 2014

Cocoa farmers in Ghana will recieve support to invest in new equipment to boost crop yields. (Image source: Cocoa in Ghana)

Ghana’s cocoa production sector has received a boost in the current crop season with a substantial price hike for farmers

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