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Zimbabwe-backed regional support programme will focus on sanitary measures. (Image source: EuropeanCommissionDGEcho/Flickr)

The EU has decided to sign a US$1mn regional integration support programme with Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Industry and Commerce, focusing on sanitary and phytosanitary measures, according to Philippe Van Damme, ambassador and head of the EU Delegation to Zimbabwe

Africa is one of the important regions for Infosys Finacle as it accounts for over 20 per cent of Finacle’s global customer base, according to Infosys Finacle global head Michael Reh. (Image source: Infosys Finacle)

The continent’s growing opportunities mean an increased focus on banking modernisation and ‘Renew and new’ is the way forward for banks and Finacle is at the centre of this strategy, says global head Michael Reh

Mining is one among the sectors in Angola that will receive funds from FSDEA worth US$250mn for its development. (Image source: Pixabay)

Angolas sovereign wealth fund Fundo Soberano de Angola (FSDEA) has allocated US$1.4bn to five new investment funds focused on the growth of various sectors of the Central African nations economy

Republic Bank already owns a 40 per cent stake in Ghanaian firm HFC Bank. (Image source: World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr)

Republic Bank has expressed confidence that it will acquire a majority share in Ghanaian bank HFC

The new ECOWAS tariff could bring about productivity and growth in ECOWAS member nations. (Image source: ClaudioNapoli/Flickr)

The newly-introduced ECOWAS Common External Tariff (CET) is expected to boost the Nigerian economy, according to Comptroller Zakare Jubrin

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