

Mauritius has ranked first among countries in Africa for the ease of undertaking business activities in the country. (Image source: Yuriy Y. Ivanov)

The World Bank Group has released its Doing Business 2016 report, which is an annual report on the state of health of economies based on detailed diagnostics of features both visible and embedded

Charles Siwawa at the opening of Fluors Botswana office. (Image source: Fluor)

Fluor has opened an office in Gaborone, Botswana in a bid to grow and diversify business activities across sub-Saharan Africa

Delegates discuss the scope of China-Africa trade relations at AIPF, held last year at Beijing. (Image source: EnergyNet Limited)

China’s growing interest in developing Africa’s infrastructure and economy goes a step further, as the 4th annual Africa Power and Infrastructure Forum (APIF) will be held in Beijing next week

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