BTS, a leading global strategy implementation firm, has sold 51 percent of AvoVision community business to three South African investors for a total of ZAR 1.5mn (US$0.12mn)
Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon visits Ghana to reaffirm free trade links
The visit of Lord Tariq Ahmad reaffirm strong Commonwealth links in free trade and democratic values
SMES are growing Kenya's economy
While Kenya’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs) continue to create numerous jobs and boost the country’s GDP, they face a myriad of challenges that always hamper their growth
KRCS: "Mobile cash reduces hunger and boosts local economies in Kenya"
The money is primarily transferred using the M-Pesa mobile phone-based money transfer service
Open markets and free trade will help Africa help itself
Priti Patel, Secretary of State for International Development wrote this op-ed piece, originally published in the Sunday Telegraph on 9 July 2017, and was distributed by the UK Department for International Development