Africa continues to lag behind fellow developing regions in installed generation capacity below 100GW and per capita electricity consumption. Economic correspondent Moin Siddiqi reports
Keeping Africa Moving
Road transport continues to play a critical role in realising Africa’s full potential. Economic correspondent Moin Siddiqi reports
The challenges of building an industrial economy in Africa
The manufacturing sector could boost huge economic growth for the continent but its share of GDP has not moved from around 11 per cent over the last 10 years. Economic correspondent Moin Siddiqi investigates
BTS sells 51 per cent of AvoVision community business to South African Investors

BTS received 2017 Gold and Silver Stevie Awards for Digital Tools Pulse and Changr in June 2017. (Image source: BTS)
BTS, a leading global strategy implementation firm, has sold 51 percent of AvoVision community business to three South African investors for a total of ZAR 1.5mn (US$0.12mn)
Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon visits Ghana to reaffirm free trade links
The visit of Lord Tariq Ahmad reaffirm strong Commonwealth links in free trade and democratic values