
World Bank to launch Tanzania Economic Update on 18 July

The report underscores the urgency for Tanzania to invest in its human capital. (Image source: Nahashon Diaz/Pixabay)

The World Bank will launch the 12th Tanzania Economic Update ‘Human Capital: The Real Wealth of Nations’ on 18 July 2019 at the Hyatt Regency, The Kilimanjaro, Dar es Salaam

The event will be hosted by Bella Bird, country director at World Bank for Tanzania, Malawi, Somalia and Burundi. In addition, the event will be attended by Joyce Ndalichako, minister of education, science, technology and vocational training, together with Ummy Mwalimu, minister for health and community development, and gender, elderly and children affairs.

The Tanzania Economic Update is the World Bank Group’s flagship in-country report that is published twice a year. It features two sections – part one on the state of the economy and part two on a topic of strategic importance to the country. The latest report underscores the urgency for Tanzania to invest in its human capital, reflecting on the country’s low performance on the human capital index (HCI).

The launch event is expected to have participants from relevant government agencies and ministries as well as major stakeholders from academia, civil society, private sector and development partners.

A Panel Discussion featuring eminent stakeholders in this area will discuss the various actions needed for Tanzania to improve its HCI and overall human development.

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