
South Africa's DTI to lead delegation to Kenya, Tanzania

The South African delegation will have representatives from 19 companies. (Image source warrenski/Flickr)

South Africas Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) will lead a delegation to Kenya and Tanzania to boost ties with both nations

“The Mission will further serve as continuous economic engagement efforts by South Africa to ensure increased levels of bilateral trade and investment between South African and these two East African countries. In 2017, the mission outlined the vast opportunities that are available for South African companies in both markets, including the presence of South African goods and services in these high growths East African markets,” minister of trade and Industry, Rob Davies, said.

“The trade relations with Tanzania are equally important and beneficial. Tanzania is strategically located, with it ports serving as an entry point to the East African Community. This strategic advantage is therefore useful for South African companies seeking to penetrate the landlocked markets of Rwanda, Burundi, DRC and Uganda which are dependent on Tanzania’s port resources,” Davies added.

The delegation will target sectors such as agriculture and agro-processing, chemicals, plastic and pharmaceuticals, infrastructure (roads, rail, bridges and ports), built environment professional services, electro-technical, steel fabrication, steel tubing, mining and capital equipment.

The delegation of 19 South African companies will take part in the Trade and Investment Mission (TIM) in Kenya and Tanzania from 21 – 25 May 2018.

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