

Yemi Osinbajo at the 48th World Economic Forum annual meeting for 2018. (Image source: GovernmentZA/Flickr)

Yemi Osinbajo, vice-president of the Republic of Nigeria, has emphasised the country as an attractive business hub and urged the multinational companies to invest in Nigeria for the growth of its business environment

The AfDB aims to mobilise domestic institutional savings and stimulate non-sovereign local debt capital markets development across Africa. (Image source: Clara Sanchiz/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved US$11.55mn loan to the African Local Currency Bond Fund (ALCB Fund), aiming to enhance the fund’s portfolio and promote the development of domestic capital markets across the continent

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa meets with Nigerian Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo on the margins of the World Economic Forum 2018 Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. (Image source: GCIS)

Yemi Osinbajo, vice president of Nigeria, shares his thoughts on Africa at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, at an interactive session entitled "Stabilising The Mediterranean"

Economic growth is expected in sub-Sahara Africa in 2018. (Image source: Department for International Development/Pete Lewis)

After broad-based slowdown in 2016, growth revival is underway across much of sub-Saharan Africa

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