
Ethiopia participates in China Africa Co-operation dialogue forum

The forum outlined new opportunities to step up cooperation on peace and security. (Image source: neiljs/Flickr)

A ministerial-level dialogue on the implementation of China-Africa Peace and Security Initiative was held in Addis Ababa

The dialogue, hosted by Forum on China Africa Co-operation (FOCAC) co-chairs, China and Senegal, as well as by the African Union, was organised to facilitate implementation of the outcomes of the 2018 Beijing Summit in the field of peace and security. State minister of foreign affairs, Hirut Zemene, led the Ethiopian delegation.

Ministers and senior representatives of more than 20 African countries exchanged views on the implementation of the outcomes of the Beijing Summit, the peace and security situation in Africa and capacity building in these areas.

In his opening remarks, Assistant Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong emphasised that China was actively involved in mediating hotspot issues in Africa, and supported “African people in resolving African issues in the African way.”

In this connection, he outlined new opportunities to step up cooperation on peace and security including enhancing a strategic security communication and policy dialogue on peace and security, capacity building, focusing on Africa’s priorities and urgent needs, exploring new approaches to facilitate the resolution of hotspot issues and formulating a plan for the utilisation of the China-Africa Peace and Security Fund.

Hirut described recent positive developments in the Horn of Africa, particularly the reconciliation between Ethiopia and Eritrea and the peace deal in South Sudan as well as the establishment of a stable government in Somalia.

The state minister appreciated the role of IGAD and the AU in the peace and security of the region and thanked China for its engagement in the resolution of the conflict in South Sudan. She requested that China continue its support in capacity building in various areas including peace-keeping missions, fighting terrorism and in cracking down on human trafficking. She welcomed the envisioned establishment of the China Africa Security Forum.

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