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Eritrean delegation on official visit to Ethiopia

Osman Saleh is the minister of foreign affairs of Eritrea. (Image source: United Nations Photo/Flickr)

An Eritrean delegation led by Osman Saleh, minister of foreign affairs of Eritrea is on an official visit to Ethiopia

Osman Saleh has delivered a message to Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed from Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki on bilateral relations and regional developments, said Yemane Gebremeskel, minister of information in Eritrea.

On the sideline of the visit, a joint high-level committee meeting was held to assess progress in the bilateral cooperation between the two countries, according to Yemane.

Both Eritrea and Ethiopia agree on strengthening bilateral relations on an array of sectors. To address this, the European Commission (EU) has launched an initial US$22.69mn project for road connections between the Ethiopian border and Eritrean ports.

The new project will be financed through the EU Trust Fund for Africa and through the United Nation's Office for Project Services. It will rehabilitate road connections between the Ethiopian border and Eritrean ports to boost trade and create jobs.

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