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China, Uganda pledge to deepen bilateral cooperation

China and Uganda set to strengthen bilateral cooperation. (Image source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China)

China is ready to deepen friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields with Uganda in an all-around way, said Chinese President Xi Jinping during his meeting with Ugandan counterpart, Yoweri Museveni, on the sidelines of the 10th BRICS summit held in Johannesburg on from 25-27 July 2018

The Chinese president applauded Museveni for his long-term dedication to the promotion of the development of China-Uganda relations as well as China-Africa relations.

Jinping stressed that China and Uganda have seen a sustained and rapid development of bilateral relations in recent years.

He called on the two countries to maintain the momentum of high-level exchanges and continue to staunchly support each other on issues of their core interests and major concern.

The Chinese side supports the efforts of the Ugandan side in developing the economy and improving people's livelihood, and is ready to steadily advance major cooperative projects jointly with Uganda to better benefit the two peoples, Jinping said.

According to Jinping, the Ugandan president has made important contributions to the development of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). He also said that China is willing to work with Africa to make the upcoming FOCAC Beijing summit a success.

Uganda hopes to deepen practical cooperation with China in such areas as industrial parks, infrastructure construction and electric power, and welcomes more Chinese companies to invest and develop in Uganda, Museveni added.

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