
AfDB supports skills development in Eskom’s Medupi power plant

At the peak of the Medupi construction, 20,000 people were employed at the plant and its supporting activities. (Image source: Robert Balog/Pixabay)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has supported the skills development in Eskom’s Medupi Power Plant in South Africa

The Medupi Leadership Initiative and the Eskom Contractors Academy are projects supported by the bank through its funding for skills development in line with the operational needs during the plant’s set up. They have launched the careers and businesses of many others like Malatji.

Since they were launched, the Medupi leadership initiative has trained 16,602 people on financial literacy, 2,000 on driving life and 1,304 on modular employable skills from the entire country.

Medupi Power Plant has provided a host of opportunities to local communities and migrant workers over the past decade. The skills developed, jobs created and surrounding business opportunities for men, women and youth has been phenomenal.

At the peak of the Medupi construction, 20,000 people were employed at the plant and its supporting activities. Limpopo was seen as an ideal location for the project because of its natural resources, but also because the province, one of South Africa’s poorest, stood to gain a great deal.

As the construction works are finalised, the socio-economic difference is seen in the infrastructure developed, business acumen attained and emerging opportunities.

Malatji, a 39-year-old mother of three, said that she was grateful for the training that has provided her with skills, networks and mentors who have helped her grow her business.

“I didn’t know what skills I needed before to grow my business, and I am glad the training has empowered me to improve my skills in the ventures I am undertaking,” she said.

William Morifi was trained in the contractor’s academy, hoping to develop skills and grow his existing fire extinguishers business. He is a disabled man from Limpopo Province. According to him, his vision was to learn about outdoor advertising. He undertook the contractors training programme.

“It taught me various skills, from the acquisition of certificates, the correct bidding process to win tenders and optimal business sustainability models. With this, I have managed to collaborate with Mesong Fire – a larger and more experience firm – to provide Eskom with some of its fire extinguishing equipment at the Medupi plant since 2016. Eskom is one of my main clients,” he added.

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