
ADF-15 replenishment: Donors commit US$7.6bn to support Africa’s low-income countries

The Fund comprises 32 contributing states and benefits 37 countries. (Image source: Nina Stock/Adobe Stock)

Donors of the African Development Fund (ADF) greed to commit US$7.6bn to speed up growth in Africa’s poorest nations and help lift millions out of poverty

This fifteenth replenishment of the ADF (ADF-15), up 32 per cent from the previous cycle, sends a strong signal of trust in the Fund, which is the concessional window of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB).

The Fund comprises 32 contributing states and benefits 37 countries – including those experiencing higher growth rates, headed towards new emerging markets, and fragile states needing special support for basic service delivery. The Fund’s resources are replenished every three years.

ADF-15 will support Africa’s most vulnerable countries by tackling the root causes of fragility, strengthening resilience, and mainstreaming cross-cutting issues. These include gender, climate change, governance, private sector development and decent job creation.

“What a great pledge we’ve achieved with your support... Together we’ve exceeded the target set for this replenishment. What a great and successful replenishment story that is,” said Akinwumi Adesina, president of the AfDB.

More than the past 45 years, the ADF has played an important role in the development journey of African low-income countries.

In just nine years, the ADF has made a difference and positively impacted the lives of millions by:

· Improving access to electricity for 10.9 million people;

· Providing agriculture infrastructure and inputs for 90 million people—including 43 million women;

· Improving access to markets and connections between countries to 66.6 million people;

· Contributing to the continent’s regional integration agenda by rehabilitating more than 2,300 km of cross-border roads;

· Improving access to water and sanitation for 35.8 million people.

· ADF-15 covers the period 2020-2022 and will build on successes of the fourteenth replenishment by being more selective and focused.

ADF-15 will focus on two Strategic Pillars: quality and sustainable infrastructure aimed at strengthening regional integration; and human governance and institutional capacity development for increased decent job creation and inclusive growth.

In pursuing these strategic priorities, ADF-15 will pay special attention to gender equality, climate change, private sector, and good governance promotion.

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