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ACBF enters agreement with the constituency for Africa

Policies need to be implemented in Africa in areas including energy, agriculture, science and technology, according to Frannie Leautier. (Image source: CGIAR Climate)

The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) has joined forces with the Constituency for Africa (CFA) by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in support of the foundation’s US diaspora engagement

The MoU has provided US stakeholders a key role to play in ACBF’s capacity building initiatives. 

Speaking at the MoU signing Dr Frannie Leautier, executive secretary of ACBF, said, “The United States is a founding member of ACBF and therefore we look forward to fostering new alliances around themes of common interest including capacity building for effective policy and implementation in areas of critical need in Africa such as energy, agriculture, science and technology and improving the effectiveness of the public sector in its partnership with the private sector in these areas.”

Mobilisation events are to be set up in support of Africa’s development process both in the continent and in the USA.

"This year CFA specifically centred RHB African Affairs Series around “Strategies for Engaging the Diaspora in Capacity Development in Africa”, which reflects the opportunity for Africans outside the continent to partner with citizens on the ground to promote economic growth and progress in Africa and for the African people," said Melvin Foote, the founder and CEO of the Constituency for Africa, who also attended the same event.

ACBF's goal is to build sustainable human and institutional capacity for sustainable growth and poverty reduction in Africa, it said.

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