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Chinese investment in Africa to boost power sector

SACETA and AOP partnership seeks to invest Chinese technology, finances and technical knowhow in African projects. (Image source: Africa Oil & Power Conference)

South Africa-China Economic and Trade Association (SACETA) has entered into a partnership with Africa Oil & Power (AOP), Africa’s one of the leading energy event organiser, to introduce Chinese corporations in Africa

SACETA and its member companies will benefit from this partnership, in terms of exposure and promotion in key African markets of South Africa and Angola.

The partnership is set to introduce Chinese technology, finances and technical knowhow into various African projects and help in building new commercial links within the public and private sectors.

“China’s impact on the African energy sector has been tremendous, but there is still room for growth in electrification, energy infrastructure building, and project financing,” said acting CEO of AOP James Chester. “This partnership expands the AOP community with the aim of bringing meaningful investment into African projects,” he added.

“SACETA has more than 160 member companies based in China, in the energy, finance, infrastructure, mining, ICT and other sectors,” explained SACETA chairman, Wenan Wang. “The partnership will bring more investment into the African energy sector, and gradually solve the problem of power shortages in our continent.”

After recovering from the COVID-19 crisis, China’s economic activity is on the rebound, and reaching out to African and global partners, for assistance in their fight against coronavirus. With oil, gas and power being central to China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative and African countries embracing Chinese investment, AOP’s events will be an important meeting place for deal-making and strategic discussions on the current and future status of Africa-China energy relations.

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