
Mining Indaba 2019

Advances in geophysical surveying and geo-information sharing have also enabled mining opportunities to become clearer across the country. (Image source: DON PUGH/Flickr)

In an exclusive interview with African Review, Abubakar Bawa Bwari, Minister of State, Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, Nigeria, talks about changing the perception of the country towards becoming a mining destination and the importance of including artisanal miners in the sector going forward

The South African government attracts and promotes foreign direct investments in different industries of the mining sector. (Image source: RitaE/Pixabay)

The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), in collaboration with the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) and Brand South Africa, will host the South African Investment Roundtable on the margins of the 25th annual Investing in the African Mining Indaba in Cape Town on 5 February 2019

BME has a large presence in Africa’s mining operations. (Image source: Dennis Crabtree/Flickr)

South Africa-based BME will be showcasing its African presence, expertise and technology at 2019 Investing in African Mining Indaba in Cape Town

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