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Dr Nicole Bieske, head of programme-Mining for Sustainable Development at Transparency International. (Image source: Mining Indaba)

Dr Nicole Bieske, head of programme-Mining for Sustainable Development at Transparency International, discusses transparency and corruption in the mining sector

Ime Archibong, Facebooks vice-president of partnerships from 2017 TechCrunch Startup Battlefield Africa. (Image source: Facebook)

In line with its commitment to growing Africa’s technology start-up ecosystem and its passion for developing diverse, young talent, Facebook will return as the headline sponsor of TechCrunch Startup Battlefield Africa 2018

The meeting also noted the need to increase construction projects from 32 to 50 per cent if Africa is to achieve its developmental aspirations. (Image source: Denys Rodionenko/Unsplash)

Accelerating solutions to Africa’s infrastructure gaps must be taken seriously if Africa is to realise the aspirations of its people as enshrined in the continent’s blueprint for development, Agenda 2063 and the global agenda for sustainable development

Delegates attending the Summit will learn how African industrialists can create value, employment, revenue and innovation across the energy value-chain. (Image source: BIES)

The second Black Industrialists Energy Summit (BIES) will be held in Cape Town from 11-12 December 2018 to discuss the next steps and opportunities for the Black Industrialists Programme (BIP) in South Africa

Nichole McCulloch, MD of Women in Mining UK, advises clients on how to create a proactive strategy around talent and leadership. (Image source: Mining Indaba)

MD of Clifton Hill Associates Nichole McCulloch 

discusses her work with Women in Mining Uk and gender inclusivity in the industry

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